
Chocolate Brownie

Posted by Aisha Balqis at 4:35 PM

A brownie or chocolate brownie is an American dessert or snack food: a semi-flat square or bar, made with chocolate or cocoa powder and baked in a sheet pan, something like a dense chocolate cake.

Brownies' density ranges from fudgey to cake-like, they may feature a variety of toppings and ingredients such as frosting, nuts, cream cheese, and chocolate chips.

Brownies are common lunchbox fare, typically eaten out of hand, and often served accompanied by milk or coffee. They're sometimes served warm with ice cream (à la mode) or topped with whipped cream, especially in restaurants.

My Chewy Devil Brownies

The Recipe
Source : Internet

250g butter - potong kecik
400g chocolate - potong kecik
6 eggs
340g brown sugar
2tsp esen vanilla
20g chocolate emulco
80g tepung gandum
60g cocoa powder
140g kacang walnut/pecan/almond/macadamia (optional)-toastkan

Cara Membuatnya

1. Panaskan oven suhu 160C. Sediakan dan alas tray 11X11.
2. Double boil butter dan chocolate hingga cair, ketepikan biar suam sikit.
3. Masukkan telur, gula, esen dan chocolate emulco dalam satu mangkuk, guna hand whisk ,
kacau hingga gula cair.
4. Tuang adunan butter dan coklat tadi kedalam mangkuk dan gaul rata.
5. Ayak tepung gandum dan cocoa powder, jika bubuh kacang, masukkan dan gaul. Tuang
tepung kedalam mangkuk diatas, gaul hingga rata. Jangan gaul terlalu lama.
6. Tuang dalam tray dan bakar 160C/50 minit-1jam (bergantung pd oven).
7. Bila masak, biarkan dalam tray hingga sejuk. Lebih sedap kalau disimpan semalaman.
8. Sedap dimakan sama ada begitu shj atau bubuh ganache atau dgn icecream atau dgn sos

Happy brownies !!
Anyone want me to bake it for you ? Simply contact me...

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